Posts Tagged ‘teavana’

Christmas Presents

Posted: December 22, 2011 in Uncategorized
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Do you know what my wife got me for Christmas this year? I do, because she couldn’t wait to tell me. She was just so excited. She got me tea… From Teavana…

Now I am not knocking Teavana. Their tea is delicious, but in what world would you get that gift for a man. She was excited because the tea comes in balls that turn into flowers or some girly crap that I really could care less about.

I could maybe understand this if I was a big tea drinker. Like British and in need of my afternoon tea on a daily basis big. But, I drink hot tea once every couple of months, maybe. And then it is usually at work or at an Asian restuarant. I won’t bring up the tea pot and warmer that she bought to prepare the tea in. She could of at least got me the one with the cool dragons on it.

To be fair, my wife isn’t exactly a good gift giver anyway. She tends to be thinking about gifts at some random point in time and she watches you do something like walk by and get a free tea sample in the mall and thinks, “that is it.” I mean, I am a man, if they are giving away food or drink, I am most likely the person they are giving it to. But don’t assume that because I get a tea sample that it is the most secret desire in my heart to get a bunch of overpriced tea.

For women looking for gifts for men, a good bet is anything that requires electricity to work. There are exceptions but as a rule if you need electicity for a gift to be used, guys generally like it. Major exceptions are appliances and/or furniture.